The Canadian Thoracic Society Home Mechanical Ventilation (HMV) Clinical Assembly is proud to announce the release of the first Canadian guideline on HMV, "Home Mechanical Ventilation: A Canadian Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline". The guideline provides evidence-based recommendations on the assessment and management of individuals requiring non-invasive or invasive HMV. It addresses general topics such as ethics, airway clearance, and transition to home, and provides specific recommendations regarding HMV in the following disease areas:
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Central Hypoventilation Syndrome
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Myotonic Dystrophy
- Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
- Other Muscular Dystrophies and Myopathies
- Post-Polio Syndrome
- Spinal Cord Injury
Why research is important?
Research builds excellence and leads to the development of effective medical guidelines that improve patient health.
Visit to help support medical research into the causes of lung disease, the discovery of new treatments and to give hope for a future free of lung disease.
About The Canadian Lung Association
Established in 1900, The Canadian Lung Association is one of Canada’s oldest and most respected health charities, and the leading national organization for science-based information, research, education, support programs, and advocacy on lung health issues.
About The Canadian Thoracic Society
The Canadian Thoracic Society is a specialty society and the medical section of the Canadian Lung Association. The CTS promotes lung health by supporting the respiratory community through leadership, collaboration, research, education and advocacy, and promoting the best respiratory practices in Canada. Over 600 researchers, respirologists and other physicians working in respiratory health are members of the CTS.