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Plan for your future

Your ILD will likely get worse over time, so it is a good idea for you to plan for the future. This can be hard for some family members. It may be hard for you, but some people feel better knowing they have a plan.

Couple on a beach

Making your plan

  • A time may come when you are not able to tell your family or healthcare team what you want. Making a plan and talking to them about it will let them know what's important to you so that they can help support you.
  • It will also make it less stressful for your family when making difficult decisions about your care.
  • The plan does not have to complicated. It's your plan for your health and your future, so it can be anything you want it to be.

Getting started

Asking yourself the following questions can help you get started in planning for your future:

  • How will I manage when I have a flare up?

  • Who will help me? When do I need help from my healthcare team?

  • What are my options if my disease gets worse?

  • Do I want to use oxygen therapy when this happens? When do I want to start it?

  • What things do I want to do while I’m healthy? How can I do these things?

Older man sitting at table writing in a notebook